Home Tips

With this you eliminate mosquitoes, mosquitoes and insects from your home in 5 minutes: place it in the kitchen

Make a homemade natural insecticide in an economical, simple and quick way: eliminate mosquitoes and other insects. It’s like that.

Repels mosquitoes

In recent years, there has been a   growing trend  to seek    natural solutions    to    common problems,    such as the presence of    insects in the home    . An       interesting and    little-known solution    is    to burn coffee and cloves    to create a    natural insecticide    . Let’s see how to proceed to eliminate mosquitoes and other insects.

why does it work

Why    burn coffee and cloves    ? Both    ingredients    have    properties    that make them    effective    against    insects    . Coffee, for example    ,    contains    caffeine    , a compound that acts as    a neurotoxin    in    insects    . This means that when    exposed    to    caffeine    ,    insects    suffer    damage    to their    nervous systems    , leading    to death    . Additionally,    coffee    has a strong  odor   which can be used to    repel    insects.

Eliminate insects from the house

Cloves contain an    essential oil    called    eugenol    , which acts as a    natural insecticide       . Eugenol is    toxic    to    insects    ,    but it is    safe    for    humans    and    pets    . Additionally,    cloves    also give off a       specific   odor that is effective in    repelling    insects. The    combination    of these two    ingredients    therefore allows us to create a    powerful natural insecticide    .

This way you eliminate mosquitoes and other insects.

The    natural insecticide    that will allow you to     definitively  win the battle    against    insects    is very    simple    to prepare. We will need:    coffee grounds    ,    cloves    , a    cup    , a    candle    and a    lighter    .

To start, simply    put    a little    coffee powder    in a    cup    , so that it is almost completely   full   . After that, we take the    candle    and begin    to divide it    into pieces until we reach the    wick    , which is what we want    to obtain    . To    make the work easier    , it is best to use a  thin , cylindrical candle     . Alternatively, we can use a    match    .

Once you have the    wick    , using the    handle    of a    spoon    or    fork    , make a    dimple    in the center of the coffee.   We place    the    wick    in the trench and    cover    the  lower end with    coffee    powder, so that  only part of it remains outside    . At this point we add the    cloves    and    bury them    in the    coffee powder    .

Eliminate insects from the house

The only thing to do    is to light    the fuse using a    lighter    . We will see that the    wick    goes out    in a few seconds, then the flame    will reach the coffee    which, together with the    clove    , will begin to    spread    its    aroma    , scaring off the    insects    .

For an       even more    effective result    , the ideal is to prepare    three or four cups    of    natural insecticide    to place    in various places    in the environments that you want    to free    of insects. This    natural insecticide    will do its job effectively,      permanently    eliminating flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and ants    .

Ecological and economical

In addition to being    effective    , this    natural insecticide    also has other benefits. First, it’s very    cheap    :    coffee    and    cloves are common   ingredients     that can be found in any    supermarket    or       spice store . Second, it is    all-natural    and contains no    harmful chemicals    , making it    safe    for    children    and    pets    .

Finally, the    smell    of    coffee    and    cloves    can also be    pleasant    and    perfume    the home environment, making it an    interesting option    for those who do not like    commercial insecticides    , which most of the time give off    unpleasant odors    . In short,    burning coffee    and    cloves    to create a    natural insecticide    is the    ideal solution    for anyone looking for a  safe and economical way    to    repel insects    from their    home    or    garden