Home Tips

With this ancient Chinese method, cockroaches remain only a distant memory

It’s a revolutionary Chinese method and thanks to these ingredients you can immediately say goodbye to cockroaches.

lemon and garlic

How to get cockroaches out of the    house    ? It’s simple, in fact only this ancient Chinese method with natural ingredients will be enough to say goodbye once and for all to these animals without harming them. Let’s find out together what it is?

Why do cockroaches come into the house?

Cockroaches are annoying and unwanted insects that often infest homes, causing discomfort and worry among their inhabitants. The    causes of the installation of these insects    in a domestic environment can be multiple and depend on several factors.

One of the main causes of cockroaches appearing in your home is access to food and water. These insects are attracted to    decomposing organic substances and food residues    , which represent a source of nutrition for them. Improper hygiene, such as careful cleaning of kitchens and pantries, can lead to a cockroach infestation.

Another common cause is cracks and crevices in walls, floors, or light fixtures, which allow cockroaches to enter homes. These insects have a great capacity for adaptation and are able to infiltrate    even the smallest openings    . Additionally, the humidity and darkness found in spaces such as basements, cellars and sinks can provide an ideal environment for your installation.

The presence can also be attributed to passive transmission via objects or packaging from infested environments. Insects can hide in boxes, bags, or other containers, and once introduced to a new home,    they can quickly establish themselves and reproduce.

cockroaches cockroaches

It is important to note that cockroaches are notoriously    resilient and able to adapt to various environments,    making them difficult to control once established. It is therefore essential to take preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of an infestation. Some helpful actions include storing food properly, cleaning rooms regularly, sealing cracks and crevices, and watching    for signs of infestation.

Chinese method to repel cockroaches

One DIY solution is to make a homemade repellent using ingredients like lemon, garlic and alcohol –    a foolproof Chinese method    .

To prepare this    repellent    you will need a lemon, two cloves of garlic and denatured alcohol. Start by cutting the lemon into thin slices and peeling the garlic cloves. Take a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and place the lemon slices and garlic cloves in it. Then pour the denatured alcohol into the container until the ingredients are completely covered. Close the container and let it sit for about a week in a cool, dark place.

Chinese method with lemon and garlic

After the rest period, the    repellent will be ready for use    . You can apply it in the corners of the house, along cracks, window sills and other possible entry routes for cockroaches.