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With 3 leaves of this fragrant plant you will keep any insects away from your house

Just 3 leaves of this aromatic plant are enough to permanently eliminate insects from your home. To find out what it is, keep reading.


When summer comes, one of the biggest problems is insects, ants and mosquitoes    . They arrive and invade houses, but not only that. Even gardens and balconies that are almost impassable. The summer period is one of the peak times for them and they are ready to forage for food and prepare provisions for the winter.

Therefore, we must do everything possible to get used to its presence. We certainly cannot    share a house with them and we must find solutions to get rid of them easily    . Insecticides, especially if used at home, should be used with caution. They contain chemicals that may be harmful to young children or four-legged pets.

There are no more insects in the house

Please note, however, that you don’t really need it because there are many natural products that are very effective in keeping insects away from your home.   In this case we will see how the problem can be solved with 3 leaves of this plant    . You will find everything below in the next paragraph. Keep reading to find out more.

Take this plant: with 3 leaves you keep insects away

We will immediately reveal to you which plant you need to scare away insects.   It is the laurel plant    . It is very likely that you already have some in the garden or in a pot on the balcony. In fact, it is a plant widely used in cooking due to its many beneficial properties. But it is also an excellent repellent.

There are several ways to use it as a repellent and now we will look at one in particular.   We create flavored water to scare away insects, mosquitoes and gnats    . You will need some water and bay leaves. Take a saucepan and boil 500 ml of water with 3 bay leaves.

Solve with 3 bay leaves

Let it boil for about 10 minutes, then wait for the solution to cool.   You have thus created an authentic laurel infusion which can be used as a repellent    . Simply put it in one or more containers and place it in places where you think the most insects and mosquitoes enter the house.

You can definitely    place it near windows or balconies    . But also close to the main gate.  Or you can  also put this infusion in a spray bottle. In this case, you can spray near certain exterior areas of the house. But this is not the only solution.

Natural bay leaf repellents

There are also other methods you can use besides flavored water    . Here are others:

  • Bag    : For this method you need to put some bay leaves in a gauze bag and hang it near the window. The more leaves you add, the stronger the smell will be and will keep insects away. For them, the aroma of bay leaves is too strong and they don’t like it.
  • Planting on the balcony    is the simplest method. Indeed, placing a bay leaf on the balcony will scare away insects and you can also use it in the kitchen. It does not require much attention and is therefore a valid alternative.
