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Plant peppers this way and you will get a very rich and abundant harvest.

Do you want to know how to get a very rich pepper harvest? Just read our advice on this specific topic. Here you have all the details about it.

Planting peppers

Peppers grow from the flower of the related plant      Therefore, they can be considered real fruits, because they contain seeds inside. However, not everyone classifies peppers in this macrocategory. Peppers are actually considered vegetables, just like tomatoes and eggplants.

Regardless of these technical aspects related to the classification of peppers, they    are used in cooking to create tasty recipes    . They are perfect to be enjoyed as appetizers or side dishes, but also as an ingredient in the preparation of spectacular first courses or second courses.

The    beneficial properties of peppers    are numerous. Indeed, adequate consumption of pepper improves the cardiovascular system and helps the body to purify itself. Peppers have notable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. The fiber present in peppers also guarantees benefits for the gut.

Peppers can also be easily grown in your garden, as long as the soil has a pH between 5.5 and 7 and is    rich in nutrients    .

Do you want to know    how to get a consistently thriving pepper crop in your garden    ? Here you will find everything you need to know about this specific topic.

Abundant harvest of peppers: here is the ideal method

Peppers should be grown in a     “    protected ” area  . We are referring to a greenhouse or a specific location in your garden. In fact, optimal and frequent monitoring    of weather conditions    is essential to ensure healthy and safe pepper growth.


Anyone who takes care of a garden knows how essential it is to pay attention to all aspects, from    watering    and feeding the plant to controlling the    presence of parasites    and other harmful insects.

The first thing to do is obviously    to better prepare the soil    for planting the pepper. It will be necessary to choose the fertilizer appropriate for the cultivation of these elements. Manure or humus is undoubtedly the best natural fertilizer to choose for growing these plants    .

Peppers love potassium and calcium    . It will therefore be advisable to choose a soil rich in these substances if manure is not available. Peppers, however, require a lot of organic matter.

All organic substances should be mixed evenly with the soil. In fact, only in this way    will the roots develop in the best way and without obstacles    . Let’s discover other useful tips for optimal pepper cultivation. Here you have all the information on the subject.

Growing peppers: here are some specific tips

If you want to grow several pepper plants, it will be important    to leave enough space between each one    . The beds should not be too high, because during growth the water should be in contact with the plant and as much as possible on the surface.

pepper cultivation

To better water your garden and therefore also your pepper plants, it will be very important to install a    drip irrigation system    .

To better protect your pepper plants, it is advisable to carry out the  mulching operation    . What it is? To cover the free soil in the spaces around the different plants, use plastic material. The light will hit the ground with less force and weeds will not grow around the cultivated plants.

It will also be appropriate to spray a    systemic natural fungicide    , which provides maximum protection for all your cultivated plants. Indeed, attacks by parasites and infesting insects risk damaging the leaves and compromising your work in the garden.

From the moment they are born, the plants need more care and attention, so that they are not attacked by pests and do not get sick easily. Always remember that peppers require    abundant watering    , especially during their development. As mentioned,    fertilization must therefore be very massive before sowing    .

If you put all these tips into practice, you will have    a rich and abundant pepper harvest    . Don’t underestimate the valuable advice we offer you in this article.