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Plant 4 figs in a pot filled with soil, you can’t imagine what happens next

By planting four fig trees in an earthen pot, you obtain splendid fig trees.

figs on the ground

The fig tree, an ornamental plant that produces delicious fruits, can be planted and propagated in different ways. Figs are very popular fruits, fragrant and rich in beneficial substances. These fruit trees should be grown in pots or in the garden,    but always in full sun and in sheltered places    .

To find out how to obtain beautiful fig trees by planting 4 figs in a pot, I suggest you follow the procedure explained here very carefully.

Characteristics of figs

The    fig tree or fig tree    , belonging to the  Moraceae family    , is a plant that prefers direct light, but it is important to avoid high temperatures, so it is best to place it in sheltered places. There are many    varieties of figs    , those with dark skin are those that are grown to be eaten fresh or to make jams.

Figs, a symbol of truth for Buddhists, can be eaten fresh and dried      It must be said that figs are rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. Regarding calories, you should know that    fresh figs    contain few calories, while dried figs are higher in calories.


The fruits of the plant ripen between August and September, but late fruits are also found in October. Once the figs are soft to the touch, they can be eaten. Note that it is preferable to wear gloves when collecting, so as not to come into contact with the white sap they produce. These are fruits rich in minerals and with great energy power. The fruits should be stored in the refrigerator and can be used in various recipes.

Tips for Planting and Caring for Fig Trees

The fig tree can be planted very easily, because it is a tree that lives very long and bears fruit several times a year. It is a rustic plant, widespread in the Mediterranean basin.

If you decide    to grow the fig in pots    , it is best to use pots at least 60 centimeters wide, with holes at the bottom for adequate drainage, since it does not like wet soil. For it to grow prosperously, it is important that it be placed in a place protected from the cold. This beautiful Mediterranean plant is not very resistant to rain, which causes its fruits to rot. It grows well at temperatures between twenty-five and thirty degrees and has little resistance to cold.


These are plants that need a warm and sunny climate and can reach 5 meters in height. The    best soil for growing figs    is undoubtedly fertile, but it also copes well with arid soils. It can be grown by grafting or cuttings, in spring or autumn.

Multiply figs by planting four figs in a pot.

To    propagate a fig tree    , you can start with    four figs and place them in a pot filled with soil.   You must first cut the ends of the four figs with a kitchen knife. After that, the four figs should be placed in small grooves created in the ground, equidistant.

At this point, after    covering the figs with earth,    you must smooth the earth well and water with water. After that, the    clay pot with the buried figs should be covered with a plastic container.   In a few weeks, small fig trees will appear.

Once the    fig trees    have developed, they must be removed from the pot, cut a little from the roots and planted in individual pots, thus obtaining four    beautiful fig trees    . In a few weeks, the    fig tree    will take on a bushy appearance.

For    small fig trees to bear fruit and grow    , it is important to keep the plants in a sunny but sheltered location on the balcony or garden. In addition, it is necessary to water the fig tree regularly and fertilize it only during the first six months of the year.