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How to unclog cooktop jets to make them work better

z sIt may happen that the  stove nozzles do not light well  , or they have a much weaker flame. Sometimes the problem is solved by tapping on the stove. This phenomenon is often associated with a problem with the gas supply, when in reality it is a much simpler problem to solve.

Food residue accumulates  on  the hob burners  , and therefore also in the nozzles, which, by hardening, significantly weaken the flame or, sometimes, even prevent the flame from igniting. Fortunately, it is possible to unclog the nozzles with a DIY trick.

Before you begin, it is important  to take the right precautions  . This problem can also be caused by a build-up of gas or even a leak. For this reason, it is important  to turn off the gas  before practicing the trick.

The first thing to do, once the gas is off, is  to remove the burners from the stove  . This operation is very simple to put into practice.

Take a thin but strong enough wire and cover one end with electrical tape. Then insert this end into  the hole where the gas comes out  , as if it were a cotton swab.

Repeat this in each hole, then replace the burners, making sure to secure them securely.

All that remains is  to light the stove and check that everything is working  properly. The flame, of course, will be stronger and more constant.

This operation not only allows us to improve the cooking of food, with a more uniform distribution of heat, but also to save money.