Home Tips

Find out how to empty a sink in less than 3 minutes without chemicals

Being able to unclog a clogged sink is very rewarding. It’s not easy to contact a plumber quickly.

bath remedy

Unclogging a clogged sink is an accident we often face, so knowing a few methods to help you do it yourself    will save you time and money.   Especially without using chemical agents.

How to unclog a sink in less than 3 minutes

Food residue    , grease accumulations, hair and dandruff    are the factors that cause pipes to clog, depending on whether it is the kitchen or bathroom sink.

How to unclog a sink

When kitchen, bathroom, and bathroom sinks become clogged,    they are a huge nuisance.   Not only can they compromise our comfort and well-being, but they also entail the cost of having to call on a specialist in the sector, sometimes    difficult to find in a short time.

It’s a job with little incentive but with a lot of demand, you can wait days before seeing it arrive or be forced to call    a very expensive emergency service.

This is why blocked pipes are a daily nuisance, especially because they can cause unpleasant odors. And to avoid this type of problem, we invite you to try this    very effective home remedy    to unblock your pipes in a short time.

A woman uses the plunger of a sink

This is a simple solution that involves    preparing an eco-friendly laundry detergent    with available ingredients. It is a tip that represents an alternative to chemicals harmful to health and the environment: it unclogs the drain, disinfects    and deodorizes it, ridding it of bad odors.

 Tip for unclogging the sink

Fast, safe and effective    , this natural remedy will certainly make your life easier. And to save time and money, there’s nothing better than having    natural ingredients on hand.

To unclog your sink you will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of white vinegar,
  • ½ box of baking soda,
  • boiling water.

For the procedure, you must start by pouring the    baking soda    down the drain then    pour in the white vinegar    . The two products combined cause    a chemical reaction    that breaks down clogged items in the drain.

Baking soda in the sink

Then close    the drain opening    with a plug and wait 30 minutes before removing the plug. Finally,    boiling water must be poured to disintegrate the remains    . You will see that the water will begin to flow freely. If the blockage is still present, you can    repeat the operation    a second time.

In addition to unclogging clogged pipes, baking soda and vinegar clean and disinfect pipes,    eliminating bad odors.

If it is the siphon that blocks the sink and causes it to remain clogged, with debris of all kinds, such as food remains or grease accumulations that block the passage of water, it is    essential to clean the dirt which causes this obstruction.

To do this, you need to disassemble the tube to remove all the dirt. However, this operation may require the use of    gloves, goggles and cleaning cloths.

After placing a bucket under the sink pipes, the bottom cover must be loosened. Once the water has fallen into the bucket, you can clean all these elements with    a degreasing soap diluted in water.

Sink with running water

After cleaning, you can reassemble the siphon and    let the water run for 2-3 minutes    to make sure the water is flowing normally or if there is a leak.