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Don’t let mosquitoes bother you anymore, with this trap they won’t come back

Don’t let mosquitoes bother you anymore: if you want this to be possible, use this very effective trap. To achieve this, you just have to do it. All the information about it.

mosquito trap

With the arrival of the summer season, the number of insects present not only in our gardens, but also in our homes, also increases. This can often ruin certain moments of our daily lives, but we shouldn’t be afraid: there is a trap specially designed to get rid of it. Here’s what you need to know about it.

Don’t let mosquitoes bother you anymore

With the arrival of the hot season, as we have already mentioned, the number of    insects    present in our gardens, but also in our homes, increases.

insects in the house

This is obviously unavoidable since doors and windows open due to heat and insects therefore often find refuge in our homes.

However, many people wonder, “    How can we get rid of all these insects?”   “What method can we apply? Below we present some effective remedies that will allow you to experience summer days with complete peace of mind.

In fact, we will talk about some    solutions    that can make a big difference, if we think about this problem that sometimes seems without a solution. To learn more, take a look at the following lines.

How to get rid of these insects

The hot season is full of many positive aspects; During this period, the days become longer, warmer and the sun often keeps us company. However, there are certainly also  negative aspects    . For example, during this period we tend to open the windows and doors to enjoy the sun and the heat; However, this also leads to an increase in the number    of insects    entering your homes.

Additionally, during summer    there    are many seasonal fruits which however tend to attract different types    of mosquitoes.   How often are these flies found near the bowl of fruit? This has probably happened to each of us many times.


Their presence often creates real frustration because, despite several attempts, these    mosquitoes    always tend to come back stronger than before. What to do? In fact, there are several methods that do not require the use of chemicals and are therefore also perfect for fruits.

Below we explain two    super effective tips    .

Mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle. 

This trap involves using a    plastic bottle    . So you can imagine how simple it is to do it this way. What should you do?

Plastic bottle

All you have to do is take this plastic bottle and poke a few holes in the lid. Once this is done, you will need to screw the cap back on and cut off the top third of the bottle. Once cut, you will need to set it aside and introduce something that attracts mosquitoes, such as    apple cider vinegar or    wine, into the bottle, allowing it to settle to the bottom.

At this point you will need to turn the bottle cap over and place it upside down, then place the cap as if it were a funnel. Once placed this way, you can seal this part of the bottle with tape.

You will thus have the bottle which will be    a real trap    . In fact, just place it near the fruit basket and you will see how different mosquitoes will tend to head straight towards the trap. The position of the hat will prevent mosquitoes from escaping.

Another ally to repel mosquitoes is    apple cider vinegar    mixed with dish detergent. What should be done?

You will need to put the apple cider vinegar with the detergent in a jar. You will need to mix them thoroughly then cover the container with aluminum foil.

Once covered, you will need to pierce the    foil    with a small needle, but large enough for mosquitoes to pass through the jar.

Once this step is done, you will need to add another sheet of aluminum which will stick, but in different positions compared to the sheet below. In fact, if they line up, mosquitoes can easily escape.

After adding the second sheet, you will need to attach the foil    to the pot ring    . This way you will have created a perfect mosquito trap.

In short, if you encounter these problems, from today you can also count on these traps that will save you and allow you to deal with this annoying problem.