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Create this deadly mosquito trap for free: you will get rid of the problem

Create this deadly mosquito trap for free and you can get rid of this problem. Not only will you save money, but you will also be able to count on an all-natural remedy. Here’s what you need to do to take advantage of it all.

mosquito trap

With the arrival of summer, the problem caused by annoying mosquitoes quickly returns. Insects that cause us a lot of discomfort with their bites, red skin and intense itching. With this extremely effective trap you can get rid of mosquitoes for free, so you can also benefit from great savings thanks to this worthwhile remedy. The details to make this happen.

Free mosquito trap

As we have already mentioned, we are often forced to look for a solution to mosquitoes and their presence, which is often uncomfortable. With the method shown below, you will have the opportunity to create   a deadly mosquito trap yourself    , without spending anything. This way you can save money while still having the opportunity to resolve this problem.

Free mosquito trap

Additionally, this type of trap    will also eliminate the problem of mosquitoes, flies and blowflies    . You are curious? So continue reading knowing that to create this completely natural method, you will need products that are normally already found in your home.

How to easily prepare the home remedy

Pay attention at this stage, as this method involves a series of steps that must be followed exactly. The first thing we need to do is get    two plastic bottles    , with a minimum capacity of one and a half or two liters.

Next, you will need    beer, water, honey and    fresh or dry brewer’s yeast.


In addition to these first ingredients, you will need to add others: you will need    tape, aluminum foil, scissors and an LED light    , very important to make the trap.

Turning this little light on and off must be done using a mechanism connected to a battery.

The first step to creating this specific trap is to take one of the two 30cm tall bottles. At 10 cm from the neck, go down and cut, thus obtaining    two parts of the bottle    .

You will now have to take the upper part, remove the lid then insert it    upside down into the second part of the bottle    .

With the second bottle and starting from the bottom, you will count 10 cm, to be cut following the same method used for the first bottle.

You will thus obtain    a sort of plastic cup    which you will cut starting from the top, going down approximately 45 cm to make several small cuts, not exceeding 5 centimeters.

The next and final stages of preparation.

Now we will start to prepare the mixture to put inside the trap, using   beer or water  as a basic element, depending on what you have at home. Add 4 tablespoons of    processed white sugar  to 250 milliliters of warm water or beer.

Add    the yeast    to this mixed solution: a sachet for the dry variant or a cube for the fresh one.


The    carbon dioxide    created by this mixture will attract mosquitoes with its smell. By adding    honey    , you can also attract flies and flies. To assemble the trap you will need    to access the light    by inserting it into the glass with the fins, then take the other piece of plastic and insert it into the glass with the light.

Cover the flaps with tape    and wrap the created bottle in a    sheet of aluminum foil    .

During the day, the trap will attract flies and mosquitoes thanks to the liquid placed inside, while at night mosquitoes will be attracted by the light.

Remember that the liquid level should never    reach the top of the bottle neck    , so as not to block the access routes. During the day you can also use only the part with the liquid, avoiding the part with the light on.

In short, as you may have already seen, it is undoubtedly a really effective trap that will allow you to eliminate from your home these insects which, as we have already said, can be annoying and even cause damage.

The ingredients you need are easily available and therefore it will not be difficult to obtain them to create a trap that will save you from insects and all    for free    . What more do we want?