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Bad toilet odors: how to eliminate them and perfume your toilets?

You open the door to your home after a long day of work, looking forward to lying down on the sofa for an after-work session of relaxation, but a nauseating smell immediately repels you and cuts you off from lounging in front of the room. TV! Yes, you know… That smell that started in your toilet and gradually overwhelms your cozy nest by rotting your entire interior atmosphere! Imagine that you can get rid of it, quickly and forever!
If you are struggling to find an easy and economical way to eliminate bad odors from your toilets forever , know that we have natural recipes for you, without toxic products, to make your own homemade toilet deodorizer. So, follow our advice and enjoy a fragrant and healthy toilet!

Why does your toilet smell bad?
Dirty toilet or plumbing problem, knowing where unwanted odors come from is essential to deal with them!

Cause number 1: pipe blockages
Dirt stuck inside your pipes can pile up and form clumps that clog your pipes while letting nauseating odors emanate from your toilet. Inaccessible, this dirt requires the intervention of a professional to extract it.

However, the problem may be less serious and the odors may only come from dirt present under the toilet seat, or in areas that are difficult to access, namely under the rim of the bowl. So, check these areas carefully and proceed to clean them.

Cause number 2: poor functioning of the septic tank
If you have a septic tank and odors persist despite thorough cleaning of your toilet, it may have something to do with your sanitation system.

Indeed, it is not uncommon for an accumulation of waste or the use of household cleaning products to affect the operation of your septic tank, causing bad odors, blockages, etc.

How to absorb bad odors in the toilet?
Folk remedies for getting rid of bad odors in the toilet have not gained popularity for nothing. If they are recognized, it is because they have proven themselves and deserve all your interest!

There are in fact a certain number of products that can be found at home that absorb odors well. Here are the most relevant:

Vegetable charcoal
Vegetable coal
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Vegetable coal. Source: spm
Vegetable charcoal has the capacity to absorb fine particles, which makes it a lethal weapon against bad odors. Simply place a few whole or powdered pieces in a bowl, cloth bag or nylon stocking, where it doesn’t smell good, to purify your air.

Most often made from wood, charcoal is a natural product that does not contain harmful chemicals. Also, you can use it without danger for your children or your pets. In addition to that, it can be reused several times, which pays off its purchase price well! And finally, it does not pollute the environment by being 100% biodegradable.

Baking soda
Baking soda
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Baking soda. Source: spm
This infallible anti-odor will free you from the bad odors that bother you at home! In fact, baking soda does not mask odors, but prevents their formation and neutralizes them, thus allowing you to maintain quality hygiene! So use this natural home deodorizer by placing a small dome in your toilet or other rooms in the house and say goodbye to the odors that disrupt your daily life.

Ground coffee in a bowl
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Ground coffee in a bowl. Source: spm
For a pleasant smell, it is also practical to grind a handful of coffee beans and put it in a container that you place in the toilet, leaving it uncovered. Coffee naturally absorbs bad odors and perfumes your interior.

Orange zest
Orange zest in a bowl
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Orange zest in a bowl. Source: spm
Everyone knows the fragrant properties of lavender, but those of orange peels are still in the dark! So, a little enlightenment! Orange is just as effective in preventing bad odors: put a few dried orange peels in a tulle bag, and place it in a corner of your toilet to freshen your air. You can add cinnamon or nutmeg for a more pronounced scent.

Step 1: Make a toilet deodorizer
No more need for chemicals to eradicate bad odors! Use a few natural ingredients and essential oils and make your own homemade toilet freshener. Take lemon for example:

You will need:
A spray bottle;
200ml of water;
50 ml of 70° alcohol;
20 drops of lemon essential oil.
Spray, water, alcohol, essential oil
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Spray, water, alcohol, essential oil. Source: spm
How to do ?
Mix lemon essential oil and alcohol in the spray bottle
Stir everything vigorously so that you have a homogeneous mixture.
Add the water little by little
Shake the whole mixture again.
Apply the air freshener in the toilet
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Apply the air freshener to the toilet. Source: spm
And there you have it, your anti-odor solution is ready! You can also use a diffuser by putting a few drops of lemon essential oil with lemon floral water.

Step 2: perfume the toilet water
This is another equally simple and economical way to make your own toilet deodorizer.
So to perfume the water in your toilet and your flush, nothing could be simpler, you will need bicarbonate and the essential oil of your choice

Essential oil and bicarbonate
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Essential oil and bicarbonate. Source: spm
How to do ?
Simply mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of water and a few drops of essential oil (lemon or other).
Pour the mixture directly into the bottom of the toilet bowl and leave to sit for 15 minutes.
Then rinse with clean water.
You can also pour this solution into the toilet tank to scent your room every time you flush. Add half a cup of white vinegar for more effective deodorization.

Step 3: make a homemade toilet deodorizer gel?
Agar-agar can also be used to perfume your toilet water! But what exactly is it? It is an extract of red algae which transforms into a natural gelling agent on contact with water. You can get it in specialized stores or in the organic section of the supermarket.

How to use it ?
Mix 2 grams of agar-agar with 50 ml of water in a saucepan
Heat everything for a few minutes
Let cool for 10 to 15 minutes
Add 10 drops of essential oil of your choice
Put everything in a jar while the mixture cools.
Add essential oil to a pan
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Add essential oil to a pan. Source: spm
All you have to do is put your homemade gel in your toilet with the lid open, the bad odors will disappear for several weeks.

Use one of our many homemade recipes to get rid of bad odors and avoid using toilet deodorizers sold in supermarkets. The latter, in addition to being more expensive, can be dangerous for your health and for the environment. Instead, opt for a simple and effective way and keep your toilet fresh, thanks to natural ingredients that are within reach and at a lower cost.

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