Home Tips

Silverfish at home, but where do they come from? Your secret entrance revealed

“Silverfish” are insects also known as sugar butterflies or silverfish. No one at home likes to see them.

silver fish

Their real scientific name is Lepisma saccharina and they come from temperate regions, but they are widespread throughout the world as domestic insects.

Silverfish, what to do when they invade your home

They are small and have a silver color that makes them easily visible. They are often considered problematic because    they feed on organic materials such as paper, fabrics and grains.

Female moths    lay their eggs in protected places,    such as cracks in walls or furniture, and once the eggs hatch, the young insects feed until they reach sexual maturity.

At this point, males and females mate and the female    lays more eggs to continue the reproductive cycle    . The butterfly’s development cycle depends on environmental conditions, but it can last on average from two weeks to several months.

Silverfish at home

All of this easily suggests how intrusive they can be, once they have “taken up residence” in our homes.

There are several options for getting rid of moths, as well as looking for cracks or crevices in walls or windows, which you will need to    seal to prevent future insect entry.

You should remove all organic materials such as paper, fabrics and grains that could attract silverfish.

In addition to using    insecticide sprays    specifically designed to combat pinworms, there are natural remedies, such as    talcum powder, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil,    that have been shown to be effective in repelling pinworms.


Certainly, maintaining relative humidity below 50% can help prevent the proliferation of silverfish, so if you live in particularly humid areas,    it’s best to invest in a dehumidifier.

How do silverfish get to your home?

Silverfish    enter your home in several ways    . They can be carried indoors by materials brought from outside, such as    packages or boxes    , or enter    through cracks and crevices in walls.

silver fish on the wall

Additionally, they can also accidentally enter indoors    through open doors and windows.   Once indoors, silverfish can thrive in    warm, humid environments    and easily find food in the form of organic materials such as paper, fabric and grains.

Although they are    harmless animals    , since they do not bite and cannot transmit diseases to humans, to avoid the reproduction of these unadapted insects it is also necessary to reduce the humidity in the house so that it is less easy for them to live there. .

Indeed, these small insects are harmful in the kitchen where we store our food. But where there are books,    they also eat paper.

Silverfish in the books

Small, around    15 millimeters    , they are particularly fond    of book glue    and, as they are found everywhere, no shelf is protected from their presence.

A part of the house where it is difficult to shower. In fact, it is not difficult to find them in the bathtub where they cannot “climb” because    they slide on the smooth surface of the toilet bowls,    no matter how tempting the wet area is.

It is important to note that    the solutions adopted may not be effective    in all situations. In fact, you may need to use more than one solution to completely get rid of silverfish.