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Yellowing kit: this is the remedy to make it look new again!

Yellowing kit: the remedy to look new again!

White towels and sheets are truly beautiful, they add a touch of delicate elegance to any home. Because they are very delicate, we do not use them often and that is why we may find them yellowing when we decide to take them out of the drawers.

No problem, there are many natural ways to eliminate this annoying annoyance.

Yellowish kit

Yellowing kit: the remedy to look new again!

Prevention is better than cure

The best would be to avoid the formation of yellow marks on clothes, which can appear because the fabric absorbs moisture due to staying indoors for too long, using more often on Saturdays and white sheets would solve the problem , otherwise let’s remember to take the air once and for all. Even if they are wrapped in plastic, exposing them to sunlight for a few hours will prevent the problem.

Pass them correctly

Another thing to take into account to avoid the formation of yellow stains is that when ironing we place a towel between the iron and the clothes, we do not use too much steam and, before putting them away, we make sure that they are perfectly dry.

Lemon and salt to remove yellow stains

Unfortunately, if the damage has already been done, one of the remedies to remove yellow stains is to use lemon and salt. If the fabric is strong enough, we boil it in a saucepan where we add 4 cut lemons and a glass of fine salt, we leave it to “cook” for half an hour, then we wait for the water to cool completely and we continue. for normal machine washing.

When the fabric is not strong enough to withstand boiling, you can always prepare a pot with the same ingredients, boil it, without the clothes, then let it cool, before using it to wet the sheets and white napkins, we will leave them with what. this for a whole night before washing them.

sodium percarbonate

Sodium percarbonate is a very old bleach, it activates at high temperatures, at least 50°, so this remedy can only be used for resistant fabrics, it can be used both by hand and by machine to wash.

In the first case, it must be dissolved in hot water and immersed in the garment to be treated, leaving it to soak for at least a few hours before rinsing it.

To wash in the washing machine, place at least two tablespoons directly in the drum and run a cycle at high temperature.

Baking soda and Marseille soap

The whitening power of baking soda is well known, as is the degreasing power of Marseille soap, together they create an excellent solution to make our clothes white.

We simply dissolve a cup of baking soda and a few soap flakes in hot water, then let the clothes soak for a few hours, or even overnight, then do a normal wash.

If the stains are quite difficult but isolated, then you can make a cream with these two ingredients, a little water and a few drops of detergent, spread the mixture directly on the stain and wait for it to dry before putting everything in the washing. machine. . .

Yellowing Kit: Removes yellow stains from laces

When it comes to lace, delicacy is essential, to still be able to remove the stains you can soak them overnight in lukewarm salt water, wash them with Marseille soap the next morning and let them dry without them. wring out.