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How to use garlic against pests in your garden. Natural and effective method

How to use garlic against pests in your garden.

Do you want to fight against the pests that infest your garden, but you don’t trust the products on the market? A perfectly natural solution could be to use an all-natural product: garlic.

It is easy to cultivate and thanks to the substances it contains and its pungent odor it can be used to protect our orchards and gardens from pests.

how to use garlic against garlic in the garden

How to use garlic against pests in your garden

A first way to protect our crops is to plant garlic nearby.

Its    characteristic and pungent odor  can cover that of rose bushes or peach trees for example, which is useful for protecting them.

This is why many experts recommend planting garlic near rose bushes, particularly against aphids and beetles; or around the trunk of a peach tree; The same goes for carrots, onions and leeks: with its smell, garlic can mask that of these other plants, thus diverting their parasites.

Again: garlic can fight aphids that attack lettuce and celery, as well as the spider mite that sometimes infests tomatoes; Additionally, it can also be helpful in protecting cabbage from worms and some claim it can also be effective against snails.

But garlic can also be very useful in another way: we can make natural pesticides to spray directly on plants. In fact, it can be very effective, especially when paired with    chili peppers    .

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Some recipes

The simplest way to “prepare” this antiparasitic mixture yourself is as follows: take a few green peppers, three cloves of garlic and a small onion, grind them well and leave them to marinate for at least a day: you n you don’t need to do it. otherwise, your pesticide is ready.

Instead, a second recipe could be as follows: make a puree with four cloves of garlic, a small onion, a pepper, then soak everything in a liter of water for two hours, then filter and mix with a spoon of vegetable oil. tea.

For the    vegetable garden    , you can prepare a mixture consisting of six cloves of garlic, an onion and a spoonful of cayenne pepper, all diluted in a liter of hot water.