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3 homemade traps to put an end to cockroaches for good

You get up at night, go to the kitchen and when you turn on the light you find the unwanted cockroaches, immediately take the poison out of the drawer and start the chase which you lose because these insects are fast and cunning.

Although cockroaches do not sting or bite, they pose a health risk because they can cause allergies, asthma or respiratory problems, mainly due to the residue they leave behind. why we want to share in this article 3 home solutions to get rid of them permanently from your home.

3 homemade traps that kill cockroaches

Trap 1:

  1. Clean a glass bottle very well that you no longer use. (choose one with a long neck so cockroaches don’t try to climb)
  2. Once dry, fill halfway with sugar or sparkling water.
  3. Using your fingers, cover the tip of the bottle with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.
  4. Place it in the area where you saw the cockroaches.
  5. Check daily and you will see how these animals are trapped inside.

Trap 2:

  1. Before you go to bed, lay down pieces of tape.
  2. The adhesive side should face up if the tape is better packaging.
  3. To attract them, place bait (banana peel or sandwich bread)
  4. You need to make sure that when they approach the bait, they have no escape. There is no one left behind or on the way.

Trap 3:

  1. Use a wave pot.
  2. Apply butter around the edge.
  3. Sprinkle flour all over the surface you have buttered.
  4. In the middle of the container, place a damp cloth with sugar water.
  5. Go to a strategic location and see how these insects fall.

With these traps, you will say goodbye to cockroaches without filling your house with toxins.